Serpentarium Mundi by Alexei Alexeev The Ancient Ophidian Iconography Resource (Mundus Vetus, 3000 BC - 650 AD)
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THERE ARE MANY non-monetary ways you can contribute to Serpentarium Mundi as a non-profit educational initiative, from providing in-kind support to reporting content error or asking a good question.

Donate Resource: If you want to donate any pertinent professional service or resource (writing, editing, translating, academic research, photography, communications, marke-ting, UX/UI design, database/web/mobile development, hosting, legal assistance, accounting, fundraising, transpor-tation, lodging, etc.), please send an email with the subject line "Donated Resource" to:


You can also help to improve the compendium's contents, artefact attribution, and the SOLID™ platform's functionality via a variety of comments.

Suggest Artefact: If you want to see the addition of an important artefact that is not in the database, please send an email with the subject line "Suggested Artefact" to: Please provide a detailed description of the instance (medium, type of object, artist or workshop, period and date, provenience, monument, current location, collection, inventory №, etc.) and supply a high-resolution digital photograph (if available) or online or printed publication reference. The copyright and the artwork's creator and/or owner's courtesy will be gratefully and publically acknowledged.
Report Error: If you notice any description, attribution, or functionality error, please send an email with the subject line "Reported Error" to: Please indicate the exact location of the instance by providing the page code (Figure III-1-cro-001, for example) and/or URL (, for example) and a detailed description of the error.


Leave Feedback: If you want to leave general feedback or constructive comment, please send an email with the subject line "Left Feedback" to:


Ask Question: If you have a specific question or need clarification, please send an email with the subject line "Asked Question" to:


Offer Partnership: Serpentarium Mundi is seeking com-mitted academic partners such as universities, art museums, and natural history museums. It is also interested in collaborating with both academically affiliated and independent researchers. Contact Alexei Alexeev for more information about this unique opportunity by sending an email with the subject line "Offered Partnership" to:
Contribution Page 002. Overview of the compendium's non-monetary support and communications methods.

Contributors who provide regular non-monetary or in-kind support are publicly acknowledged on the Serpentarium Mundi website. Here's the list of our major supporters:

James Parsons Repeat Contributor 2022 Ottawa, Canada
James Parsons Repeat Contributor 2021 Ottawa, Canada
James Parsons Repeat Contributor 2020 Ottawa, Canada
James Parsons Repeat Contributor 2019 Ottawa, Canada
James Parsons Repeat Contributor 2018 Ottawa, Canada
James Parsons Repeat Contributor 2017 Ottawa, Canada
James Parsons Repeat Contributor 2016 Ottawa, Canada

I want to personally thank you for your continued interest in our work and your support,

Alexei Alexeev

Note(s): We always love to hear from our visitors. But before you write to us with a question, we suggest you carefully review the website's contents. The compendium's curator is often busy with the content development or away on the research trips and therefore the time available to answer your emails is limited. We do read all emails, but cannot guarantee a reply. The questions to which you are most likely to get an answer are those that we are uniquely qualified to answer, i.e. questions pertaining to the Old World ophidian iconography from 3000 BC to 650 AD. You may not receive a reply if: (1) You did not ask a question. (2) Your email address was invalid. (3) Your question was outside our area of expertise. (4) The answer was available on the website. We are dedicated to making our website useful to our visitors and always welcome your helpful comments and suggestions!

● Page Publishing Patron: Anonymous Benefactor (will change to your name after the page's adoption).
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